My story

Hi guys, I used Safeline when I was a bit younger, I am 19 now and I wanted to finally to come on here for reasons that I cant exactly explain. I went through some of the hardest times and still now coming to terms with them, it has been tricky but if it wasnt for safeline i wouldnt have accomplished what i have. ive managed to get a place of my own and be more independent and i am at college and getting grades i never imagined achieving. It has been hard for me being a victim but that word doesnt sit with me i prefer the word survivor because thats what all us are. I still have not been able to bring myself to tell the story properly and it pains me because the story may help someone and i want that badly to support people. sometimes i feel captured and isolated by what happened and i still blame myself for what happened and i never had the chance to tell myself that its not but maybe i will because ive fought this too long and i hope that you all understand that it is never your fault and that you are strong and loved here for anyone always



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